by Marleen van Iersel

by Marleen van Iersel

About the Best of You Experience

About the Best of You Experience

The Best of You experience was created by me, Marleen van Iersel. I have had a long career in beach volleyball representing the Netherlands and have been a professional athlete for almost 20 years.

In these 20 years I became a World Champion under 21, a two times European Champion, I have won two Grand Slams on the FIVB World Tour, have won 5 silver and 7 bronze medals. I have been to the Olympics in London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and I am a 6-time Dutch Champion.

Becoming the best is hard work. Staying amongst the best of the worlds beach volleyball teams is even harder. As a professional athlete you always rely on the team you have around you. I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to gather all the knowledge I needed from the professionals around me. But more importantly I found out the most powerful source of strength, perseverance and trust was to always rely on myself. To listen to my body and to program my mindset to be able to be the best I could be every day.

This is why I feel I can help you on the journey to be the Best of You. Not through exhausting programs or rigid diets. Not through serving a ball a 100 times on the back line. Not through hours and hours of team talks. But by going back to basic. Back to nature. Back to you. Back to simplicity and honesty.

I moved from the Netherlands to Tenerife a few years ago together with my family. I have had the opportunity to take the time to reflect on the past 20 years of my career and came to the conclusion that not passing this knowledge on would be a shame. Moreover, Tenerife is a magical place on this planet that is more than worth a visit. So I am inviting you to come and share this experience with me!

This is why I feel I can help you on the journey to be the Best of You. Not through exhausting programs or rigid diets. Not through serving a ball a 100 times on the back line. Not through hours and hours of team talks. But by going back to basic. Back to nature. Back to you. Back to simplicity and honesty.

I moved from the Netherlands to Tenerife a few years ago together with my family. I have had the opportunity to take the time to reflect on the past 20 years of my career and came to the conclusion that not passing this knowledge on would be a shame. Moreover, Tenerife is a magical place on this planet that is more than worth a visit. So I am inviting you to come and share this experience with me!

The Best of You experience was created by me, Marleen van Iersel. I have had a long career in beach volleyball representing the Netherlands and have been a professional athlete for almost 20 years.

As a professional athlete you always rely on the team you have around you. I have been incredibly fortunate to be able to gather all the knowledge I needed from the professionals around me. But more importantly I found out the most powerful source of strength, perseverance and trust was to always rely on myself. To listen to my body and to program my mindset to be able to be the best I could be every day.

In these 20 years I became a World Champion under 21, a two times European Champion, I have won two Grand Slams on the FIVB World Tour, have won 5 silver and 7 bronze medals. I have been to the Olympics in London 2012 and Rio de Janeiro in 2016 and I am a 6-time Dutch Champion.

Becoming the best is hard work. Staying amongst the best of the worlds beach volleyball teams is even harder.